

Worship is the center of our life together as a congregation.  It is where we intentionally take time each week to center ourselves on God and how God is speaking to us in our daily lives.  We are renewed as we hear God’s word, lift our prayers and praise, and are fed at the Lord’s Table – Holy Communion. 

Worship is our “practice time” for how we strive to live in the world –  as people who praise God each day, pray for each other, practice forgiveness, lift our gifts to God, and share peace with those around us.

Worship is a place where everyone can feel welcomed – the young and the old, the long time member and the person who is perhaps entering a church for the first time in years or maybe even their whole life.  We come as we are – knowing that God receives us with grace and joy. 

Our worship life also involves special midweek services in the weeks before Christmas (Advent) and the weeks before Easter (Lent).  We also like to worship outside a few times each summer and gather in a barn for one of our Christmas Eve services each year.